Gender ideology and its ramifications

On August 12th Peter and I took some time to give our commentary on two videos about Gender. One was done by Laci Green the other by the DarkHorse podcast with Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying. Have you ever been confused on the subject? What is gender and how many genders are there? How does gender different from sex? And how many sexes are there? The questions can go on and on.

On this 117th podcast we found our conversation quite stimulating! C.S. Lewis came to mind (The Abolision of Man).

“A great many of those who “debunk” traditional or (as they would say) “sentimental” values have in the background values of their own which they believe to be immune from the debunking process”
― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man

“When all that says ‘it is good’ has been debunked, what says ‘I want’ remains. (…) The Conditioners, therefore, must come to be motivated simply by their own pleasure. (…) My point is that those who stand outside all judgements of value cannot have any ground for preferring one of their own impulses to another except the emotional strength of that impulse. (…) I am very doubtful myself whether the benevolent impulses, stripped of that preference and encouragement which the Tao teaches us to give them and left to their merely natural strength and frequency as psychological events, will have much influence. I am very doubtful whether history shows us one example of a man who, having stepped outside traditional morality and attained power, has used that power benevolently.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man

The DarkHorse podcast video brought about some real interesting ideas as to the potential ramifications in medical education and the military if we continue down the current path. While Laci showed us what the American Psychological Associations current definition of gender is. The question is…will it change again? And is it a definition based on facts or opinion? And if what is true about gender is based on person identity, then how do you define it? There are allot of identities on the planet. (Almost 8 billion and growing!)

But what does this all mean for us who are Christians? Glad you asked! Peter and I get into an interesting side of the Gender issue and it’s consequences on legislative government and the science community. We ended up looking at Apocalyptical prophecies in the Bible the discuss a one world order with a intellectual leader who will perhaps be not be into marriage!

Daniel 11:37, which says that Antichrist will “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all”, will the Antichrist be androgynous?

Of course it is purely theoretical, but interesting non the less!

The Bible stresses the idea of procreation being one of the first commands given to humans. Why is this important? What is the consequences of not valuing procreation?

Is the cuurent gender ideology in education moving us directly into what the Bible says about the last days?

Check it out!

Pride Month 2021 Part 1

Peter and I were stoked to sit down and discuss the LGBTQ community, especially the word equality. It is a word that is used often, but what does it mean to have sexual and gender equality? This might seem to be a dumb question, but when we don’t ask questions we tend not to get answers. Noam Chomsky once commented in a small book on the propaganda distributed by mass media:

“You want to create a slogan that nobody’s going to be against, and everybody’s going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn’t mean anything. Its crucial value is that it diverts your attention from a question that does mean something.”

Well, we want to know what is mean by equality, and that might take some time; or in our case, some podcasts!

As we discuss equality, we quote GK Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, Noam Chomsky and Kurt Vonnegut Jr’s super awesome write up called, “Harrison Bergeron.”

G.K. Chesterton said, “There is a thought that stops thought, and that is the only type of thought, that ought to be stopped.”

Sometimes when trying to ask questions about what is meant by the word equality on sex or gender issues you can be immediately shut down. This is unfortunate.

The Bible talks about equality, but how does it talk about it? In what way are we equal and it what ways are we not?

Check out this Episode hope it challenges you intellectually and spiritually.

Sex Ed For the Really Young?

May 2021 Already! Can you believe it! This week on the BP Podcast from Running Light Ministries we share our commentary on the sex educator Justine Ang Fonte and her video for six year old’s!

Do you remember being six years old? It’s difficult to remember much of being a little kid let alone thinking about an erection that you might have had! Our point being made was ‘are young children even ready to discuss sexual organs?’ Isn’t it enough for parents to simply be fearful of having your kid in kindergarten/1st grade? Now we need to discuss there genital’s?

The video brings up many questions! What are appropriate sexual topics for a teacher to share with your student? Are you comfortable with the new ideologies that today’s sex educations have? (Intersectional, LGBTQetc…, Social Justice, Gender Identity etc…) This is not the health class of 1985!

In the video that we listen to on the show, Peter points out that a moral judgment is being made on masturbation. The concept of what is right is subtle but in the video. And if there is a right, then there is a wrong. Can kids contextualize sexual pleasure as a recreation?

In the video, a cartoon boy is asking, “Hey, how come sometimes my penis gets big” and points in the air. A cartoon adult responds “That’s called an erection.” The boy then adds, “Sometimes I touch my penis because it feels good.” A cartoon girl responds “Sometimes, when I’m in my bath or when Mom puts me to bed, I like to touch my vulva too.” The adult cartoon character then intimates the little girl, “You have a clitoris there, Kayla, that probably feels good to touch the same way Keith’s penis feels good when he touches it.” She then adds: “Have you ever noticed that older kids and grown-ups don’t touch their private parts in public? It’s okay to touch yourself and see how different body parts feel – but it’s best to only do it in private.”

As Beau listens to the video a second time he points out that there is not a direct reference to masturbation being made. But why do young kids need this kind of education? Is it due to the free distribution of pornography in our world? Do young children need to know about how their body works and its relating to sexual pleasure? Even though I (Beau) was a sexually adventurous young lad growing up in Southern California, I am glad that I didn’t know much about how my genitalia worked. I wonder what would I have done if I did know the functionality of my genitalia. Sometimes when we are unsure, we do not pursue. When young people are confident about the sexual organs then they tend to feel comfortable using them. That rings true from posteriori knowledge in my crew growing up! The young boys I hung out with that knew there body parts better then others tended to use them.

Peter points out that we have laws that assume that youth are not able to consent to sexual decisions. Statutory rape is the example Peter gives. What are the consequences if we did assume that kids could make the right decisions regarding there sexuality? Are there topics that kids are not ready to understand at six years old?

Sharing this kind of sex education in a classroom in front of all kids of kids with all kids of backgrounds has its problems as well. Some kids will know more about there bodies then others. Peter and I have spoken in many public school classes on sensitive topics and half of the students in the Jr. High class are oblivious to the things we are talking about. We at times have felt bad that we brought up topics that could have sparked a curiosity in the kid!

What is the agenda behind this kind of sex education? Is there? Take a listen on the Running Light Better Pleasure Podcast!

The Serenity Prayer

An excerpt from the workbook by Peter Martin. From the Chapter on Anxiety!

This is why I love the Serenity Prayer so much:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen.
It is so awesome to me how this prayer focuses on the truth that there are some things that are within my control, and some things that aren’t. How much of our time do we spend worrying about things that we can’t change while we ignore the things that we can? Or, how much of our time do we spend paralyzed by fear as we convince ourselves that we can’t change things, that we actually can? This is most obvious to me when I stress out about the past or the future. Again, it’s not that it is wrong to think about the past, if we don’t think about our past ever we won’t be able to learn from it. And it isn’t wrong to think about the future, God wants us to be good stewards of our lives and that requires planning and discernment. But when we obsessively ruminate over the past and allow guilt and regret to consume us, we aren’t learning from our past, we are being controlled by something that we can’t change. Likewise, if our thoughts are consumed with “what if” questions about the future, which is by nature uncertain and outside of our control, we aren’t going to be able to effectively plan for the future. Instead, our minds will come apart with fear and instead of planning and making rational decisions, we will stress-out and dwell in paralyzing fear and indecision.

This will also steal all potential joy in your present circumstances because you will be so worried about what was, and what could be, you can’t simply enjoy what is. This is what Jesus is warning us about when He says: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”

Each day has enough trouble of its own. It is only as God gives us the power to accept the things that are out of our control, and helps us see that the only thing that ultimately matters about your future, whether or not you will spend eternity with Him, has already been accomplished by Him; that we can gain the peace to enjoy and function in the present, the courage to learn from the past and change, and the confidence to plan for the future and make decisions, knowing that the future isn’t in your hands, but in the hands of God.