Better Pleasure Women’s Group:
A Bible study
* for women struggling with their husband’s lust
* for women struggling with their own
The heart of this group is that we would fix our eyes on Jesus, and look to Him as we maneuver disappointments and struggles, together.
Every 4th Saturday from 9:30a-11a at Calvary Christian Fellowship (room TBD). Childcare provided, as needed! We will also send out a zoom link prior for those out of town.
Contact Beth (
“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…” Hebrews 12:1-2
Love in Jesus,
Why do women need a advocacy group?
- There are 29 million romance novels are sold annually. 90% of the readership is women.
- According to Adella O’Neal, a Digital Playground publicist, in 2000 roughly 9% of the company’s consumers were women while four years later that figure has bloomed to 53%.
- Today’s pornography is produced, marketed, distributed by women as well as men.
- Today there is a strong pro-porn feminist movement in the country.
- Today young girls are strongly influenced by popular YouTube’ers and other online media. They are encouraged to experiment with sexuality, sensuality and identity.
- Lesbianism is the favorite (sexual) search term for women in the world. Women in Canada and the United States are 186% more likely to search for Lesbian videos compared to men
The church culture can be one of the most intimidating environments for women young and old to discuss there intimate desires or thoughts. We hope to change that by making a safe place for women to meet with other women in healthy fellowship, giving place to the scriptures without condemnation.