This is a excerpt from the first Chapter of my new book.
There are a few things that you must understand about Christianity. First, that God is personal. What this means is that just as a friend gets to know you, so God is knowable. That’s not all Christians think about the nature of God, but for now you simply need to trust me that this is a truth we hold. Someone might ask for scripture references and I could give them, but really, the entire Bible is about God being available for people to communicate with, sometimes as one friend talks to another.
Second, that God is the first cause of all things. This means that God is the creator of all. But not just that! Everything that is created declares a glory or value of His being. So when the Bible says, the Heavens declare the Glory of God (Psalm 19:1), it means that when I look up into the sky and see the stars, sun, clouds, or planets, I get some kind of truth about the creator. In the case of Psalm 19:1, God is amazing. In what way? Well, the more we understand about the stars, sun, clouds, or planets, the more we get a greater understanding of God’s amazingness. That’s one way to look at it.
In this same line of thinking, humans are said to be made in the image of God. I find it so fascinating that after the Creation of man and woman, he declares they are made in His image (Genesis 1:27)! So Christians believe that man and woman are made in this image of God. The more scientists study the body the greater our appreciation is for how we are put together. In every area of study of our body scientists are pleasantly surprised by our delicate intricacies. What does all this amazing complexity tell us about God? From a Christian point of view, it shouts glory to the creator. He is the master scientist. But even more than that, the glory that this human precision shows is that God must be complex, for not only are the heavens complex, but we are! I remember before I was a Christian trying to make up a god. What would my god be like? I gave the god human attributes and likeness, qualities that I found worthy of a god. I fashioned a god that I could understand completely. Overall, he was quite the simple deity! Now this god, as you understand him, might be ok for a moment or two, but to Christians, God is not to be fully comprehended (Isaiah 40). No matter what kind of god I construct in my mind, it is nothing like the inventor who created my mind. So Christians believe that God is complex and unique in His nature.
The last thing we need to understand to move forward to answering the question, “why God created sex,” concerns an insight into the intimacy of God. How God is complex and unique is seen in the functionality of man and woman. I find it fascinating that the declaration of praise that Adam (or mankind) has upon seeing Eve (life) speaks of becoming one flesh. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2:24).” The first command God gave to Adam concerning his relationship with Eve was to be intimate with her. And they would become one. This is God’s doing in his creatures that bear His image and likeness. We are intimate, simply because…God is.