After watching a clip from the Aultrailiam Sex Party my heart was deeply burdended. I hope you are as well. Linking sexual preference with race as equality issues is not good reasoning. I’ll take this reasoning to some foolish conclusion…
Some people like to murder, it’s there preference in dealing with situations…they like it! But let’s not make a law saying that it is ok to do because it’s good for equallity (I mean they can have there fun too..right?)
Race (a misunderstood word), or better people groups, are born people groups. Wanting to get married to the same sex and have a “family” is something you choose. Only technology today makes this option available and presentable. You can’t have kids no matter how many times you try in homosexual relationships. We live in a day where having children in unatural relations is possible, but that does not mean that is is correct. You might have a family, but it is a synthetic family interestingly. This use in technology is re-defining marriage and family. Owell and Huxley were on to something in 1984 and Brave New World.
Maybe they should call it another name in the law books as to throwout the argument politically?! Instead of same sex marriage, let’s not call it marriage, but call it something different as to not re-define, but to define. And instead of family, let’s call it a synthetic family or saccharin family’s. Something created not naturally, but through tampering. It would be less of a political hot topic if looked at it in this different way, in my opinion,with laws corresponding to these different ways to live. But if this is not the real goal of the sexual party and they want to be like “us” by re-defining family and marriage then let the battle continue…because it will.
Some just love a fight…