Lisa and Katy

Lisa and Katy flew this past week to gather some great resources and education at a Biblical counselors conference! Here is a wonderful picture of the two! Both are board members of Running Light Ministries and involved in counseling and group meetings for ladies.

Sex Questions Answered…from women!

Peter & Beau take some time to answer some questions from the ladies!

There are many myths the world taught me about sex, sexuality and sensuality (SSS). Many had to do with women and all of them were untrue (There is a book called Untrue by Wednesday Martin that is a interesting read). Humans are communitive beings that reproduce. It is no wonder that we think of sex often whether your male or female. Are you glad to be in a culture that is more open to discussing the questions and ideas we have on SSS or not? Do questions like these make you uncomfortable? Why? Check out this Podcast!

– God uses sexual/sensual language to talk about Israel, seems like he wants to BE with her?

– how do we ask God to fill the void (even physically) when we’re trying to remain pure/not have sex outside of marriage, but want sex?

– can we masturbate to the glory of God if we’re thinking about Him while we self gratify?

Abortion and the Female

Abortion is the hot topic at the moment! Again… And really it should be!

Peter brings up a really interesting Article from a mother on the, “traumatic” experience of adoption as opposed to abortion!? Is adoption more traumatic on a mother than abortion? Who says? And is this kind of argumentation good? What does what do articles like this say about women in a society? Why is being a mother such a offense?

We hope you find the conversation with Beau and Peter interesting and thought provoking as to where our culture is at and its relevancy to Biblical scripture.