Peter and Beau take a moment to sit down and do a live Facebook Podcast on the term; sexual immorality! Should these words be used today? And what is being defined as sexual immorality today?
How does the current culture define sexual authenticity? What is popular in sexual thought? Is the Biblical idea of monogamy between a male and female popular? Or is it seen as the patriarchal power that must be other thrown?
The culture today reminds me of when I was a teenager fitting into my heavy metal culture. To be cool, was to be different from the ideal, or what we thought was the ideal. For instance, people of good reputation and leadership wore their hair short and clean, we grew it out. Government leaders were Alpha males. We tried to look feminine and have more emotion. You get the picture. Could it be this is what we do with our sexual identity too?

But should we throw out the ideal? And can we really throw out a standard for sexuality that has been in human behavior for thousands of years?
Beau & Peter discuss on this Episode of the B.P. Podcast!