By now, hopefully you know that the internet has much of everything. You want to learn more about cooking, just get on google and type ‘cooking,’ and you’ll have a million or so pages to sift through of every kind of cooking imaginable.
So you certainly understand that sex too is a topic looked for as well. Your not ignorant of that right? And since sex is pretty much a vital part of our life it shouldn’t surprise you that many people young and old search for something related to sex every day online.
It also shouldn’t surprise you that being excited about watching sexual things on the computer is common. People are sexually aroused by many things. Sounds, touch, tastes, and seeing. This is all very common knowledge.
Another common thing you should know is that arousal knows both genders! Yep, girls and guys both are aroused! Some are aroused more than another, and others by various means. You get that I’m sure too.
So because you understand these common truths, start talking about it with your spouse or loved one. This is a topic that you should not be running from. Not in our world!
Why would you not talk about such a topic which is so common?
Do you think you can talk about sex and online porn with your ‘other?’ I sure hope so.
Maybe you will disagree on things, maybe not. Maybe you will be able to work through some mis-understandings or past experiences that you have had before which have bothered you. Maybe you’ll develop more compassion on one another or grow in your understanding of each others fears, insecurities and desires. Maybe there will be opportunity for mercy, grace and forgiveness in your relationship. What if you both grow in your knowledge of what the Bible teaches about this most interesting subject! Maybe you would be able to chat with your kids about the subject before there school friends do! What if! What if!!!
Avoiding a subject is education from absence. And with it the ramifications which are deep and many, in a culture, family, marriage, and a person.
Change things. Try not to avoid, instead engage. Look for opportunities to bring up topics like this. And ask non threatening questions. It will get conversation going. Are you scared you will hear something you do not want to? Good, you are finally getting to the reason why you have avoided this. It has nothing to do with sex or porn. It’s fear.