Wow! That was a cool Podcast!
Peter Martin takes some time with Beau to break down the Texas abortion bill, SB 8. They also discuss what many miss when on the topic of abortion!
Is it simply a man’s issue?
Also, how has a lack of sexual responsibility affected our culture? What is the age of those having abortions in the U.S.?
Why can’t humans just simply stop having sexual intercourse?
The Bible says that humans are made in the image of God (Gen 1:27). This puts a value on humans in and outside of the womb. Since the fall of human kind there have been abortions. Many times women are the focus of the kind or amount of abortions in the world. But what about men? And why do we care?
What is the Texas law all about? What about Roe vs. Wade? Peter takes some time to break the details down. But why do human beings continue to live sexual irresponsible lives?
Notice this pro-abortion rally outside of the Austin governors Mansion below. What do you find illogical about the sign being held? Why do they not see it’s incoherency? How is the sign potentially racist?